giovedì 31 marzo 2011

31 marzo

here i'm i've big trouble whit my pc but now i'm here. and i want to write that next sunday i'll run "vivicittà" 12 km maybe too much for me but if idon't try i'll never know  bye bye
i'l pubblish the photos

4 commenti:

  1. I'm running the "Vivicittà 12 km race" too. We'll meet near the "Gran Caffe" at 09:30 a.m.
    I'll run it as training considering the hard Montalto's race that I've planned to run on April, 10th.
    See you next Sunday!

  2. ok for tomorrow morning whit fotocamera if you take a look at sito della maratonina di tarquinia you can see into phothos 1 about me !! wow
    "in bocca al lupo" for tomorrow but I'm afraid for the wheather I's too warm!well we'll do what we can!!! bye bye

  3. Done!!!! Waiting for results and pictures.
    Montalto is scared, the BKA is coming very very ..... angry

  4. good luck! I look forward to seeing some photos :-)
