domenica 16 gennaio 2011

My first post

Hello! I'm Paola.

4 commenti:

  1. Greetings Paola,
    Welcome to the world of blogging! I am a huge fan of both Giorgio and Stefano! I enjoy reading both of their running blogs. I can't wait to read and follow along with your own running journey and adventures in Italy!

    I am looking forward to your future posts:) Take care!

  2. Welcome Paola! As you can see, our blogging friend, Julie, is always kind.
    I'm sure that you'll enjoy our blogging community.

    Have a nice week, Paola!

  3. The Black Knight Army is proud to receive the new amazon. I am sure that you will be a brave allied. Benvenuta!!!! Mi tocca scrivere in inglese altrimenti Giorgio si arrabbia e poi si sfoga sul suo scudiero.

  4. Allora 2 parole in italiano e poi riprovo in inglese.
    Volevo ringraziare i miei amici che mi hanno iniziato a questo simpatico blog peccato che ho tante cose da fare e ho poco tempo.Vorei provare a scrivere nelle due lingue così chi conosce l'inglese meglio di me mi può anche aiutare con gli errori.
    Firs i begin whit a greatings to my friends that help me whith this wonderful blog's world, but i have less time to spent on internet cause i'm very busy whith family and work and a little dog (ettore). I'm writing in two linguages (english and italian) too learn more english, everybody have to teach me and correct my speach.
    Yesterday I run a little cause of the wind and the cold only 50 m but better a little than nothing.Tomorrow my friends will go running "the roma ostia" I cant too much for my legs. I hope they will enjoi themselves
    bye bye to all my new blog's friendsAllora 2 parole in italiano e poi riprovo in inglese
